Improving the Students’ Ability in Speaking through Using Sensations and Feelings at the Second Year of SMAN 1 of Sungguminasa Gowa
>> Minggu, 29 November 2009
Oleh Nurmayanti (20401106196)
The students have been taught about English especially speaking, listening, writing and reading. Special for learning about listening, writing and reading, they should not be worry because there are many medias, facilities and the teacher has many great methods to teach them. The most difficult in learning English is speaking. This is one reason why many of us were shocked and disappointed when we used our second or foreign language for the first time in real interaction: we had not been prepared for spontaneous communication and could not cope with all of its simultaneous demands. That is, speaking is an “activity requiring the integration of many subsystems…. All these factors combine to make speaking a second or foreign language a formidable task for language learners….yet for many people, speaking is seen as the central skill” (Bailey and savage 199empat, p. vi-vii). (Anne Lazaraton, 2001 in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 2001:103).
Speaking is the skill by which learners are most frequently judged and through which they make and lose friends. It is the vehicle par excellence of social solidarity, social ranking, of professional advancement and of business. It is also the medium through which much language is learnt. (bygate, 1987) .
Speaking is the productive skill in oral mode. There are many facilities, methods, medias in learning it, but how to produce the word is difficult. We need the high capability to express our opinion such as how to express our experience. There are many students feel difficult to retell their experience, but in fact, it is so easy because we have undergone, it means that we just need a few minutes to recall it in our mind.
Sensations and feelings will be helpful the students to express their sensation and feeling. Learners are asked to remember situations where they experienced certain physical sensations or emotions. It is more easily to speak.
B. Problem Statements
Based on the previous background above, the researcher formulated research question as a follows: how is to improve speaking through sensations and feelings to the students of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa?
C. Objective of the Research
The aim of the researcher is finding out the effectiveness of using sensations and feelings to improve the student’s Speaking Ability at the Second Year of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa.
D. The Significance of the Research
The result of the research is expected to be useful information for English teacher especially in speaking ability about the usage of sensations and feelings to increase their knowledge. It is hoped that it gives a meaningful contribution to the students to improve their speaking ability.
E. The Scope of the Research
This research is limited to the teaching English at the second year student of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa. The researcher focused on the effectiveness of using sensations and feelings especially in speaking class.
E. Definition of Terms
In this section, the writer would like to give the operational definition of the topics:
1. Speaking
Speaking is the skill by which learners are most frequently judged and through which they make and lose friends. It is the vehicle par excellence of social solidarity, social ranking, of professional advancement and of business. It is also the medium through which much language is learnt. (bygate, 1987).
Based on the definition above, the writer can conclude that speaking is a skill to do interaction by expressing our mind, idea, opinion for all of cases and matters in our surrounding through our sound system in our society solidarity to show our mutual understanding with each other.
2. Ability
Hornby (2000) defined ability is the mental or physical capacity, power or skill required to do something.
By seeing Hornby’s definition, the writer can conclude that ability is a mental capacity to express our mind in doing something.
3. Sensations and Feelings
Sensation is feeling, uproar. (id/146024/masaji/dictionary/m5r9-74930ca26). Sensation is sense, impression, perception, suspicion, presentiment, (id/197667/fxosyn/dictionary/m5r9-72ec806f4).
The definition of feeling are:
a. [C] something felt through the mind or the senses
b. [sing] belief; vague idea: a-thatsomething awful is going to happen
c. [U, C] attitude or an opinion
d. (feelings) [pl] sb’s emotions rather than thoughts
e. [U] ability to feel physically[IDM] bad/ill feeling anger between people, esp after an argument.
The relation of sensations and feelings in this matter is, the students are asked to get together with their couple and they ask each other like;
Student A: Can you remember a time when you felt really afraid?
Student B: Yes, I can.
Student A: When was it?
Student B: when I was in Bantimurung. I jumped when there was a frog nearby me. I was really afraid.
Student A: ….
Student B: ….
The sensation on the example above is expressed by the student B, “jumped”. And feeling expression is “afraid”.
Sensations and feelings focus on the learners experiences. It can be easy to be expressed by the learners because they just need to recall what they have undergone and they have felt
G. Method of the research
This research, the researcher presents the design of the research, population and sample, instrument of the research, procedures of collecting data and techniques of data analysis.
1. Research Design
The design is experimental design with pre test and post test design. The comparison between pre test and post test score depend on the success of the treatments. The design :
Notes: O1= the result of the students pre test
X = the treatment by using sensations and feelings
O2= the result of the students post test
(Gay, 1980:177)
2. Population and Sample
a. Population
The population of the research will be the second year students of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa in the academic year of 2009-2010. This consists of nine classes, namely XI IPA-1 class consists of 35 students, XI IPA-2 class consists of 35 students, XIIPA-3 class consists of 35 studentS, XI IPA-4 class consists of 35 students, XI IPA-5 class consists of 35 students, and XI -6 class consists of 35 students, XI IPS-1 class consists of 35 students, XI IPS-2 class consist of 35 students, XI IPS-3 class consists of 35 students, so that the total number of population is 315 students.
b. Sample
Sample most of representatives of population in who are researched (Suharsimi Arikunto 2006). In this research the method of taking sample that is used random sampling and there are 6o students will become the sample of the researcher.
3. Instrument of the Research
The researcher uses tests to asses and examines the students’ Speaking ability. The tests are pre test and post test. The pre test is given to asses and to examine the students’ speaking ability without applying sensations and feelings in the previous treatment while post-test is given after treatment of applying sensations and feelings to asses and examine the students’ speaking ability. Both pre test and post test are used to find out the improvement of the students’ speaking ability after the treatment by sensations and feelings.
4. Procedure of Collecting Data
a. Pre test
Before applying sensations and feelings or before doing the treatment, the students will be given pre test to know their achievement in speaking. The researcher will ask the students in a couple to express their sensation and feeling when they felt really afraid, hot, angry and sick.
b. Treatment
After giving the pretest, the students will be treated by using sensations and feelings. The treatment is administrated after the pretest and it takes place during8 meetings and spends 90 minutes in each meeting
Some steps of treatment are:
1) The researcher introduces the material and gives a short explanation about what the students are going to do in speaking class.
2) The researcher writes some vocabularies that related to the material that will be presented.
3) The researcher asks the students to take a note and write down what they hear that it has relation with the material.
4) The researcher repeats the material once again and asks the students to mention what they write.
5) After that, the researcher divides them in a couple.
6) The researcher repeats the material three times to give chance for the students to ask each other by applying the researcher’s method.
c. Post-test
After applying the treatment, the researcher gives post-test to students to obtain data, whether there is any progress or improvement of the student’s speaking ability after having treatment namely through sensations and feelings or not. The tests are same with the test is given in pre-test.
5. Technique of Data Analysis
The data is collected through the test, and they are analyzed quantitatively as follows:
a. Scoring the students’ answer of pre test and post test by using this formula:
Students’ correct answer
Score = x 100%
Total number of items
(Hasan Iqbal 1997)
b. Classifying the students’ score into five levels, which fall into five classifications:
Very Good
Very poor
80- 100
69 – 79
56 – 68
45 – 55
(UIN’s standards)
c. Calculating the mean score of students by using the formula: