>> Sabtu, 07 November 2009
By IRFUN PBI 5 dan 6
The word and the sentence are very important in the language is not except in the semantic. The study of sentence and word it’s means that we will study the meaning of the words and sentence. In this paper will try to explain about it. Namely, the kind of words and how give the meaning of the word suitable the form of the words. In here also, will explain about the sentence and how give the meaning of the sentence such as lexical meaning and grammatical meaning.
I. The word
Dictionaries appear to be concerned with stating the meanings of word and it is, therefore, reasonable to assume that the word is one of the basic units of semantics. Yet there are difficulties.
To begin with, not all words have the same kind of meanings as others; some seem to have little or none. In, for instance, Boys like to play it is easy enough to consider what might be the meaning of boys, like and play, but what is the meaning of to? It has been argued that meaning implies choices and that while we can replace boys, like and play by girls, hate and fight, to cannot be replaced by anything, but is wholly predictable in this environment ,and so has meaning at all. The nineteenth – century English grammarian, henry sweet (1891:22) drew distinction between “full” words and ‘form ‘words. examples of full words are tree , sing ,blue ,gently and of form word it ,the , of , and .it is only the full words that seem to have the kind of meaning that we would expect to find in a dictionary .such meaning cannot be stated in isolation .
So ,from above statement we get point that the word can divided two forms or two kind namely , full words and the form words, the full words are the words which have meaning full and we can find it’s meaning in dictionary. Meaning full it’s meant the words which has meaning when they stand alone without has relation whit the other word. For instance: read, go, eat, red, erc. The forms word Are the word which meaning we cannot get when they stand alone without is related whit the other word even we can get the meaning of forms word in whole sentence. Its mean that forms only have grammatical meaning. For example: I will go to market, in here, the form word to has meaning grammatical meaning.
One signal in the spoken language is stress, in that one word seems to allow only one main stress and we can, for that reason, treat blackbird as a single word, but black bird as two. But there is no complete correlation between the spoken and written form, as evidenced by the white house, or by compound s such as shoeblack, shoes - horn, and so polish, all with a single stress. Bloomfield (1933:178) offered the solution by suggesting that the word is the form ‘minimum free form” the smallest form that may occur in isolation. For we shall not normally say the, is , by ,in isolation.
Bloomfield also suggested that we should look for an element smaller than the word, a unit meaning – the MORPHEME: examples are – berry in blackberry or – y in jhony. Later linguist were more interested in the status of such words as loved where they could identify the morphemes love- and –d. here the two element seem clearly to have the distinct meaning of “adore” and” past ‘.but problems soon arose with the word such as took, which appears to be both ‘take’ and ‘past’, yet cannot be segmented in any obvious way into parts each with its own meaning.
If we pay attention the explain of Bloomfield we can point that the meaning of word or given meaning of the word we have to attention an element smaller of the word (Morpheme ), such as love and loved ,loved we can identify has morpheme - ed ,in here love and loved two elements seem clearly to hve distinct meaning. Love has meaning present form and loved past form. But the word take and tookwe cannot segmented two part because these word has each meaning .the best way to handle this is not in terms of morpheme but rather by redefining the term word in a different ,though not unfamiliar way. There are even some elements within words that are not grammatical yet equally have little or no meaning. Bloomfield was particularly concerned about the status of cran - in cranberry, which seems to have no independent meaning and does not occur the other words. He Might well have been concerned with straw- and goose- in strawberry and gooseberry ,which have nothing to do with straw or geese . in contras black –in blackberry can be related both in form and meaning to the first elements of blackbird and blackboard. An interesting trio is greenfinch, bullfinch, and chaffinch. All are names of finches. In greenfinch, green – actually indicates its color; in bullfinch the first element can be identified , but has little connection with bulls; while the first element of chaffinch seems to have no meaning at all.
There is no consistency about the number of semantic units we way recognize within the word. Although we have ram/ewe ,stallion/mare, we have no similar pairs of giraffe or elephant .we have to say male giraffe ,female giraffe , or if we know the correct term bull as male adult bovine animal and to see this an indication of four distinct element meaning in the same word.
A .words and things; extension and prototypes
The extension of a one place predicated is the set of all individuals to which that predicate can truthfully be applied. It is the set of things which can potentially be referred to by using an expression whose main element is that predicate.
Example: the extension of wincow is the set of all windows in the universe
The prototype of a predicate is an object which is held to be very typical the kind of object which can be referred to by an expression containing the predicate.
Example : A man of medium height and average build , between 30 and 50 years old, with brownish hair , with particularly distinctive characteristics or defect could be a prototype of the predicate man in certain areas of the world.
A. meaning postulates
The meaning postulates is a formula expressing some aspect of the sense of predicate it can be read as proposition necessarily true by virtue of the meaning of the particular predicates involved.
Example :
This example expresses that fact that MAN (in sense 1)is synonym of human being . it is generalization covering anything to which the predicate MAN 1 is applied .
C .Derivation
Derivation is the process of forming new word according to a (fairly) regular pattern on the basis of pre-existing words. People create new words from old ones the dictionary writer has difficult task of shooting at a moving target. If the includes in his dictionary only words that that have been attested until today. His dictionary will soon be cut out of date , as new words will have been coined and perhaps added to the everyday vocabulary of the language.
II. The Sentence
A. The Definition of Sentence
A sentence is neither a physical event nor physical object .it is, conceived abstractly, a string of ideal string of words behind various realization in utterance and inscription. And the other book the sentence can be definite; the sentence is essentially a grammatical unit. From both of definition I think has a same goal so we can take one definition that (|The sentence is neither a physical event nor physical object which essentially grammatical unit); indeed it is the function of syntax to describe the structure of the sentence and thereby to define it. English sentence will consist minimally of a subject noun phrase as its predicate or complement. Each of these may be a single word as in Birds fly. The syntax will determine much more complex structures than this, of course. However, we do not always produce complete sentences even of this minimal kind. It is simple enough to envisage a situation in which someone might simply say Horses. Such as? What are those animals in that field?
Scholars have talked of ‘one word sentences’ in describing such expressions, it seems more helpful to treat Horses as a sentence fragment and as an incomplete version of They an horses; certainly we should need to reconstruct the complete sentence in this way to talk about its meaning. Most fragments are closely linked to their linguistic context and handled in terms of ellipsis (the omission of parts of the sentences). Ellipsis in turn is related to the feature of ‘pro-formation’ (the use of pronouns and similar forms that replace verbs and other parts of speech).aill are devices for not repeating everything that has already been established in the discourse. Thus ,in jhon saw mary and spoke to her ,jhon is omitted, while mary is replaced by her in second half of the sentence .Not at all sentence fragments, however ,are linked to previous discourse . Coming? or coming! May be used instead of are you coming? or I am coming !moreover in actually speech we often fail simply through lapse of memory or inattention to produce complete or grammatical sentences. We break off, we forget how we began, we confuse two or more construction, etc .nevertheless the interpretation of all of these depends upon their relation to the sentence of grammar. We can only recognize sentences fragment or incomplete or ungrammatical sentences, if we know what a complete grammatical sentence is.
There is more the problem of meaning than saying that the cat sat on the mat means “the cat sat on the mat”
The first , a great of meaning in the spoke language is carried by the PROSODIC and PARALINGUISTIC features of language – intonation , stress ,rhythm ,loudness ,etc. as well as such features as facial expression and gesture (which are often called ‘paralinguistic’ In a wide sense of term).
Secondly ,we can by various devices , including intonation , indicate what is important , contrastive or new .The different between I saw jhon this morning ,I saw jhon this morning and I saw jhon this morning does not concern the information itself , but relation between that information and previous information known to speaker and hearer.
Thirdly, there is variety of what are you today called ‘speech acts’. we warn ,we threaten ,we promise ,though often with out giving any overt indication that we are doing so. The classic example is there is bull in the field, which could be meant as warning, not simply as a piece of information.
Fourthly ,(and this a more general point than the one just made),we can often ‘say’ one thing and ‘mean’ other .to say professional athlete or leader of industry he is a nice man may well be Meant to suggest that he is not really very good at his profession. In general, giving irrelevant information can be taken to suggest that more relevant information would be unfavorable.
Fifthly, there is a problem associated with sentences like have you stopped beating your wife? it is impossible to answer yes or no without admitting that you have beaten her in the past. For the question implies or presupposes that you did, though does not actually say so. Similarly, it has been argued that the king of France is bald presuppose that there is king of France, though it does not assert his existence, while both I regret that she came and I don’t regret that she came presuppose that she came.
B. The distinction sentence between utterances
In semantics we need to make a careful distinction between utterances and sentences. In particular we need some way of making it clear when we are discussing sentences and when utterances. We adopt the convention that anything written between double quotation marks represents an utterance, and anything italicized represents a sentence or ( similarly abstract ) part of sentence, such as a phrase or a word.
Rule: We have defined a sentence as a string of word. A given sentence always consists of the some words, or in their order, makes different sentences, for our purposes.
1. Helen rolled up the carpet
2. Helen rolled the carpet up
3. Sincerity may frighten the boy
4. Sincerity may frighten the boy
Note: The sentence number one and number two are different sentences
The sentence number three and four are the same sentences
It would make sense to say that an utterance was a particular accent ( i.e. a particular way of pronouncing word ). However, it would not make strict sense to say that a sentence was a particular accent, because a sentence itself is only associated whit phonetic characteristics such as accent and voice quality though a speaker’s act of uttering it accent and voices quality belongs strictly to the sentence uttered.
Not all utterances are actually tokens of sentences, but sometimes only or part of sentences, e.g. phrases or single words. Utterance of non-sentences, e.g. short phrases, or single words, is used bay people in communication all the time. People do not converse wholly in (tokens of) well formed sentences. But the abstract idea of a sentence is the basis for understanding even that expression which are not sentence. it the overwhelming majority of cases ,the meaning of non sentences can best be analyzed by considering them to be abbreviations, or incomplete version of whole sentences
The word is the one the basic unit of semantic .the meaning of word we can find in the dictionary, but there are some of words we cannot find the meaning of them in dictionary, but we can find it in grammatical unit meaning and in the sentence .Therefore ,henry sweet divided it into two part namely full words and form words .besides the meaning of the words also is influenced by morpheme and lexeme , although the word talk and talked is formed some word but they are different. Or has different meaning.
The sentence is part of semantic which talk about grammatical and lexical meaning of sentence. We can give the meaning of sentence as grammatical sentence because sentence is grammatical unit, but sometimes there are something influenced of the sentence, so we will give the meaning of the sentence as lexical sentence meaning. This the something which influenced grammatical meaning, they are intonation, stress, rhythm, loudness, worn, promise, situation etc. if we understand above (the word and sentence ), we must be able give the meaning word and sentence in true meaning.
Reference .
- F.R.palmer,, semantic second edition : cambridge university press.
- Abdul.muis Ba’adulu semantic course book : UNM press.2002.
-,the word and the sentence.
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