>> Minggu, 29 November 2009
Oleh Madrah Sire PBI 7
- The words in semantic field share a common semantic property. Most often, field are defined by subject matter, suchas body parts, landforms, diseases, colors foods, or kinship relations.
- Ronald carter, working with text : a coard introduction to language analysis Routledge, 2001. “The Semantic fields of war and battle is one that sport writers often draw on sport, particularly football, in our culture is also associated with conflich and violence.
Also known as : word field, lexical field, domain, field of meaning.
- Semantic field :
1. Phonetic
Phonetich menjadi tiga sesuai dengan perbedaan menurut (David Crystal, The encyclopedia of the English language, 2nd edhtion, Cambridge university press 2003) :
• Articulatory phonatics is the study of the vocal organs are use to produce speech.
• Acoustic phonetic is the study of the physical properties of speech.
• Auditory phonetic is the study of the way people perceive speech.
2. Morphology
Morphology for English morphology means devising ways of describing three properties of such disparate items as a horse took, indescribable, washing machine and antidisestablishmentarianism. A widely recognized approach divides the field into the domains : lexical or derivational morphology studies the way in which new items of vocabtlary can be built up out of combination of elements (as in the case of in describe able)
3. Semantic
A perennial problem in semantic is delineation of its subject matter. The term meaning can be used in a variety of ways, and only some of these correspond to the usual scope of semantic to be restricte to the literal interpretation of sentences in a concerts, ignoring phenomena like irony, metaphors or covesational.
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